Fly EOAC Employment Centre
What's your first name? What is your last name What is your email address Age Hometown Flight Simulator version you own Flight Simulator 2000 Flight Simulator 98 Flight Simulator 95 Flight Simulator 5 FLY SATCO Pilot ID How long have you been using FS? Recently started 6 months - 1 year 1 - 2 years 2 - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10+ years Occasional Licensed Pilot Do you have any special FS skills? HTML Documenting Panel Design Aircraft Design Flight Planning Other What rank would you like at the beginning of EOAC membership? Flight Training Officer Second Flying Officer First Flying Officer Rank descriptions How did you learn about us? Recomended by friend Alliance VA Directory VA News Flying Online Web Surfing Don't know Do you want your e-mail address published on the pilot roster? YES NO What are your expectations from EOAC?
Rank descriptions
What are your expectations from EOAC?