EOAC Division
The five 'divisions' that make up EOAC are actually wholly owned subsidiaries or franchise operations. Technically EOAC is the parent company, employing the flight crews directly, with the five smaller enterprises employing ground crews and owning/maintaining their own aircrafts. Each has it's own operational terms of reference and together they act according to the business strategy of the holding company. These divisions are briefly described below: SCHEDULED SERVICES: EOA (European Overseas Airways) ![]() - set up to fly the long distance routes from London Heathrow
(later Geneva). As this division came to be seen as the flag carrier
for the group it adopted the EOAC name and is now officially known as
EOAC. Although EOA has in the recent past been the most dominant of
the four divisions it's influence is now rapidly waning. Extravagant
strategies and wild schemes (for example: the return to the UK and purchasing
how many MD-11s and 747s?) mean that this division has never once made
a profit in it's entire history and is now under great pressure to streamline.
The EOAC aircrafts are commonly seen on the long haul routes out of
Europe and the division maintains hubs at Geneva Cointrin, London Heathrow,
Paris Charles De Gaulle and now Tel Aviv Ben Gurion. EOA have recently
withdrawn much of their presence from Brussels National in order to
provide further slots for the rapidly expanding (and very profitable)
EAC division. ^ ![]() - set up to fly regional European flights based from the
regional network hubs at London Heathrow, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool,
Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Lisbon, and Rome. EAC has turned in record
profits in the last financial year and the divisions management have
consequently increased their power at board level. This has caused 'political'
difficulties with those at EAC's sister company, EOA, whose management
style has long angered EAC's more realistic and careful planners. Despite
this, recent rumours of the sale of one or both divisions have been
proved untrue, with the EOAC holding company's principle shareholders
taking a much greater interest in the divisions making up EOAC. EAC
now maintain hubs at Paris, Brussels, London, Manchester and, of course
Geneva and operate most of the European and Mediterranean routes.
^ ESA (European Scandinavian Airways)
AIRCREWS AND THE PILOT'S UNION As previously mentioned, all aircrews are
employed directly by EOAC who are subcontracted by the five divisions.
Pilots and cabin crews carry out 'tours of duty' of varying lengths
according to the situation at the time. The nature of these tours can
vary immensely, with the wishes and individual contracts of the crew
taken into consideration. Some EOAC pilots have flown from Paris on
local routes for more than ten years. Other pilots move constantly around
the globe, requesting and often receiving permission to move to other
hubs. Relief pilots may find that they fly for no particular hub, constantly
moving from location to location. To EOAC there is no difference in
status other than with regard to the pilot's type rating. Related items: Pilot Union - EOAC Aviators discussion about anything of interest with their peers. History Forum - discuss virtual timeline, real historical events of the airline industry and how they affected development of EOAC. Add your touch to the virtual life of our fine VA. |