
Year 2001



Geneva - London - Paris

Manchester - Brussels

Stockholm - Tel Aviv

Rio de Janeiro - Singapore


Flight Planning:

Flight Plans

Printable flight plan form
Worldwide Airpath Finder

Route Plotter Free Route Plotter from Aeroplaner.com
Airport Guide Airport Guide - Facility, runway and tower information
Weather Station
World time
Real Weather Data
METAR Update for FS2000 use 
right click and select "Save As" to download .rwx 

Enter ICAO Code  

Aviation Weather - Europe (new window)


FSfreeware.com maps and charts
(very useful collection)


Ground Proximity Warning System is one of the most useful add-ons for any of EOAC flights. It include warning systems, autopilot and radio systems that each of EOAC aircrafts is equipped with.

GPWS2000 is updated version of Wilco van Deiji's GPWS98 adventure for FS2000. Make sure you visit GPWS98 web site to download  additional sound files for the Ground Proximity Warning System, such as flight attendant announcements or pre-recoded ATC chatter.


Flying Online

ICAO Airline Callsign
VNT European Overseas Airways Company Vantage
European Airways Company

As you are aware VATSIM.net are now controlling our virtual skies. We are currently in the process of updating all of our information. In the meantime you might like to take a look around using the link above.

General Manager
European Overseas Airways Company


European Overseas Airways Corporation